UNITECH CO LTD – approved project applicant №BG16RFOP002-2.015-0002

BG16RFOP002-2.083 "VOUCHER SCHEME TO PROVIDE SERVICES FOR INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES" to project №BG16RFOP002-2.015-0002 "voucher schemes to provide information and communication technology (ICT Services) of micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs)" MAIN OBJECTIVE: To increase the capacity of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for a competitive and sustainable business in dynamically developing markets by [...]
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Contract New

On 25.03.2021, “UNITECH CO” Ltd. signed a Contract Grant with the ME in procedure BG16RFOP002-2.040 “Improving production capacity in SMEs”. The project proposal titled “Improving the


Quality menagement system

The company introduced a system of quality management version EN ISO 9001:2015. The scope of the system is Engineering & Manufacturing of machinery & equipment for


New Web Page

A new modern website has been developed, compatible with mobile devices. Ready solutions are proposed for different types of industries. Shown are the various types of

унитех ко


On 09.02.2016, “UNITECH CO” Ltd. signed a CG with the ME in procedure BG16RFOP002-2.001 “Improving production capacity in SMEs” and was presented at a ceremony on 16.02.2016 in