UNITECH CO LTD – approved project applicant №BG16RFOP002-2.015-0002

BG16RFOP002-2.083 “VOUCHER SCHEME TO PROVIDE SERVICES FOR INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES” to project №BG16RFOP002-2.015-0002 “voucher schemes to provide information and communication technology (ICT Services) of micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs)”

MAIN OBJECTIVE: To increase the capacity of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for a competitive and sustainable business in dynamically developing markets by providing services related to the use of information and communication technologies (ICT)

Voucher recipient: UNITECH CO LTD
Voucher Type 2, Group 1 “Vouchers for ICT services for digital marketing”;

TOTAL VALUE OF THE VOUCHER: BGN 20,000.00, of which BGN 17,000.00 European funding and BGN 3,000.00 national funding. (percentage of 85% European funding and 15% national funding, according to the value indicated on the voucher)

Started: 15.12.2020 г.
Ends: 15.09.2021 г.